Monday, March 24, 2008

Time travel.

The second thesis I didn't write for my Masters in Philosophy was about how time changes us; me-2008 is related to me-1995 but importantly different. The third thesis I did actually finish for my Masters in Philosophy was about how art represents (we pretend). I riffed on themes in Mimesis As Make-Believe by Kendall Walton. A few weeks ago I was checking the VUW Philosophy website thinking that after Iris starts school perhaps there's a course I could do some tutoring for and be able to play Ultimate with the Vic teams during school hours as well as earn a little money. To my surprise I discovered there's a mini-conference celebrating Walton's work at VUW tomorrow. Me-2008 is going because I feel I sort of owe it to me-1995, and besides, I'm still curious.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Gobbets of thought all over the carpentry table.

I've been thinking again, so here are some notes that might remind me of some sparks I'd seen when next I get to put prefrontal cortex to grindstone.

1. Children use their schemas when processing emotional learning as well. Threads of thinking fitted into space, time, and relationships of all sorts.

2. What's fun about playing?
Free play ECE and supporting schema learning gives children who've got into a flow state the chance to stay in it, and more opportunities to keep on getting into flow.

3. Serenity for the Godless: a user's guide to practical positive psychology.
Flow isn't the only good thing and flow-ish states are really quite good. People who're good at getting into flow and flow-ish states are pretty happy people.

4. Make-believe in Art, Religion, and Sport.

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