Friday, January 30, 2009

The children would like to take their cousins to some live music today (and the Summer City concert is too late), any suggestions?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Let's drink to that and the passing time"

I am turning 40. It's not a complete surprise to me that I am reaching this milestone, and I am unutterably glad that I did not have the proper assistance to leave off at 39 and six months, but it's still a little weird to consider that I have reached an age I remember my friends' parents being when I thought I was an adult already.  

I was born before people walked on the Moon, when I was a baby lock-knit cotton stretch-n-grows were high-tech and all nappies were washable. As a child I went to Star Wars in the original theatre release, played Zork, D&D and Traveller, and no-one's kitchen had a dishwasher, microwave oven, or any silicon implements. As a teenager I was deeply ashamed of the 1981 Springbok Tour, personally affronted by the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, wore a pink triangle badge to support the Homosexual Law Reform Bill and seriously argued the relative merits of Patrick Swayze and Rob Lowe. I was at university back when education was free and unemployment was rising on a spring tide. 

Things have changed, but I still don't have my jet pack


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2 line bio, of me. What should I say?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Morgue and Cal's was a very fine wedding. Iris and Hazel, front and centre for all the glory.

Monday, January 05, 2009

I told Hazel to read to Iris while I mopped up the water and she is!