Monday, April 27, 2009

I think there is an uncovering schema.


Anonymous Qarl said...

Could you mean something like a discovery schema? Or do you mean something limited to taking things off of other things.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Susan Harper said...

I think all schemas are a way of discovering. I mean "uncovering" (exposing--the flip side of enveloping--rather than disconnecting which is the flip side of connecting) but schemas are not limited to the physical.


"Chris Athey identified four stages that children go through in exploring and using schema:

1. a period of physical action where the movement does not carry any real significance.
2. using schema to symbolise something.
3. beginning to see the functional relationship between two things.
4. using schema to support thought."

Uncovering, if it is one as I suspect, might take these forms for example:

Stage 1 The child takes clothes off dolls and themself, cushions off the couch, and unmakes their bed.

Stage 2 The undressing of dolls is used to symbolise getting ready for a bath.

Stage 3 The child becomes interested in the change in bounciness when the couch is uncovered.

Stage 4 The child puts all of these ideas into words and expresses the reasoning behind uncovering.

I also think that there are further stages of interest in concepts described at the schema-level including doing schemas very abstractly with ideas and social relationships. People often work at several levels at once (the link contains an example of a child doing this in Nelson).

10:16 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

An uncovering schema makes perfect sense to me. And it sounds like Orla, which I find interesting given thatI feel she has a strong interest in enclosing but not particularly with the very similar enveloping.

I guess a difficulty with an uncovering schema is distinguishing it from garden-variety messiness! Having a theoretical background such as Athey's stages provides a way around this though.

12:02 PM  

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